Monday, October 29, 2012

Earndit Fitness Challenge: Rail Riders

A little personal info, yuck

A few weeks ago I got on the scales and found out that I weigh 45 pounds more than I did when I got pregnant with child #1, keep in mind I have three so there you go, that is where all my lovely fat has come from :) Well in part but I have taken to some really bad eating habits. So I decided to do something about it!! What exactly?? I bought a FitBit Ultra to track my daily steps, my everyday steps plus on the treadmill.

Then I synced it to a site called Earndit where it uploads the info stored in your Fitbit and you earn points for rewards. Earndit also has challenges and I just joined my first one, OMG, and it starts tomorrow!!

Earndit not only works with the Fitbit but many other devices so check to see if yours qualifies!

Wish me luck!! I will give updates on my points daily :)

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