Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Crowdtap Hotel Transylvania Monster Bowl Party!

So I was given another awesome opportunity from Crowdtap to host a party!!!! And just like the others in the past this was an awesome night. I got to host a Hotel Transylvania Monster Bowl party which combined a screening of Hotel Transylvania, lots of great food and activities and the Super Bowl. The party kit came as a digital file with recipes, activity ideas, printables…. And I was sent a digital copy of the movie.

Let me start by saying if you haven’t seen Hotel Transylvania you need to get it. It is a great family movie that shows that now matter how different someone is we all just want to fit in and be loved, I think this is a great moral to teach all our children. I also love that it shows just how crazy us parents can get when it comes to doing what is needed to keep our little “monsters” safe even if we go a little overboard every now and again :)

Crowdtap suggested having the party on Super Bowl Sunday which I thought was a great plan but was a bit concerned that everyone might already have plans for the big game. I called around and actually found out that just about everyone I wanted to invite could come for at least the movie and snacks and some could even hang around for the game so we had the party on the 3rd!!. Yes I am a bit late with this posting because just a couple of days after all the fun I was hit HARD with the flu and am still not fully 100% so let’s see of we can get thru this and it make some sense, HA HA.

 I am one who LOVES to have people over and I tend to over do it sometimes and this party was no exception. I cooked and cooked and cooked and took lots of pics to share with you and I hope you will give some of these a try.

There was a recipe in the party pack for Scream Cheese Taco Dip. We love Mexican food  in my house so I knew that this was one to try however I did tweak it a little to suit our taste. Here is the original recipe:


We have been trying to eat healthier and use what is already in the pantry since the New Year so I did make a few changes to the way I made the dip and it turned out so YUMMY, here's what I did:
1 (8oz) pkg cream cheese
1 (8oz) carton sour cream
1 can refried beans
1/2 pkg fajita seasoning mix
1 cup mexican shredded cheese
Follow the baking instructions.
Ready to go into the oven

Look at this!!! All the cheese has melted and it is ready to take out

I love this pic. Some of my "guests" scared to death by the Scream Cheese Dip :)

My hubby taking the first taste!!
Here I am making some fun sugar cookies:

These were made the night before and I didn't realize that my kids and my daughters bestie would eat ALL of them that night so I made chocolate chip cookies for the party!
My kids requested a couple of snacks for them and their friends so I made some chocolate cupcakes and topped them with Halloween and Football rings and served them on a football platter, everyone got a kick out of the combined theme:

I also made Striped Delight for the kids, it is so fattening and so good!!
I love this dessert because it is so easy to make and I love putting them into individual containers that the kids can just grab and eat.
Here's the recipe:
35 OREO Cookies
6 Tbsp. butter, melted
1 pkg. (8 oz.) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened
2 Tbsp. cold milk
1 tub (12 oz.) COOL WHIP Whipped Topping, thawed, divided
2 pkg. (3.9 oz. each) JELL-O Chocolate Instant Pudding
3-1/4 cups cold milk

In a bowl mix together the softened cream cheese, whip cream and milk

In a seperate bowl crumble the cookies and pour in the melted butter, mix together until well incorporated.

Fill the bottom of individual cups or a dish with the oreo butter mixture

Next layer the cream cheese mixture on top of the oreos

Mix together the pudding mix and milk

Pour the pudding on as the last layer

This is what it will look like. Just pop into the fridge to set up, so yummy!
So like I said we had a lot of food, we also had chili, popcorn.... Here are some more pics:

Like I said the movie came as a digital file to be watched over the computer, we tried to plug the computer up to the tv to watch it that way but it didn't work. My girls had friends over and my son had his best friend here and I knew that having so many people squeezed around one laptop wouldn't work so we set up multiple computers with the movie running and it worked great.

We even got a sneak peek at the new short film, GOODNIGHT MR. FOOT, which the kids are all huddled up here watching and they loved it!! I only played this on one computer so everyone is packed in like sardines here :)
Crowdtap introduced me to a new app thru this party and it turned out to be a huge hit. It is called GoldRun and it allows you to take a pic with celebrities and believe me when I say the kids big and small really enjoyed it.

Even Beyonce took a break during half time of the Super Bowl to dance with the Hotel T cast :) This was actually one of the activities we got to do as part of this party.
Like I mentioned earlier there were some fun printables included so I had all the kids color a valentines card and decorate it for the winner and this one of Dracula was the best, glitter and all!!
We were given a few questions to think about and I wanted to sharet hem with you guys:

1. Mavis makes the cutest little sad bat face to her dad Dracula. Does your little one have a look that
just makes you want to do whatever they say? Are there other moments in HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA
that were directly relatable to your life?
Oh this is a good one. My youngest daughter Addie has this pout that I absolutely love and I can't help but give into her when she does it. We call it part of her Addie-tude. She has done it from the time she was first coming into her own personality and still does today at five.
You know I really related to this movie in relation to my own life. I am the mom of three kids and have gone to crazy lenghts to keep my kids safe. Two of my three have severe food allergies and I alone fought the school system to redo their nut policy in order to keep my kids in a healthy environment. Yes they were embarrased, yes my husband thought I went to far, yes I was talked about but I really didn't care, they are my kids to keep safe. We also recently moved to a new city and my kids were the "new kids". We talked about how they may get treated in the beginning and that they just needed to push forward and let others get to know them. Seven months down the road they all have wonderful new friends and I make sure they treat the "new kids" that come in the same way they wanted to be treated when they first moved to town.
2. Dracula throws an awesome 118th birthday party for Mavis. Were there elements of her party that you
wish you could have for your own birthday party or your child’s party? Would you love a monster band,
dancing mummies or a travel around the world theme?
I have to say that all the dancing was my favorite. I would have loved to have had a huge dance party when I was younger and I can see that being something that my girls would love. My most favorite thing though, as simple as it is, is that she had so many "people" there celebrating with her. I always throw parties for my kids, usually at home, and what always gets them excited more than anything else is when our family from out of town surprises them at the party!!
This was daughters 7th birthday at the skating rink!
My son's 10th birthday party
And my little ones 4th bday party
3. Both Mavis & Dracula have some awesome vampire powers. For example, they can both turn into bats.
Which one of their powers do you wish you could have? Or is there another monster FROM THE
FILM who has a power you wish you could have?
I actually wish I had the powers of Griffin, not that they are so much powers, but the opportunity to be invisible and watch my kids without them knowing would be awesome. I remember being a tween and teen and having the chance to keep an eye on them without them finding out would be priceless :)
Also having the sniffing powers of the werewolves would be pretty neat. I would love to have the kids walk by, give a good sniff and be able to tell them everything they did, HA HA, that would keep them in line!!
So we had an awesome time, thanks to Crowdtap and Hotel Transylvania!!! Not everyone was able to stay the entire time due to other Super Bowl commitments but thanks to everyone who came, had a great time watching the movie, eating and then cheering on our teams.
As always if you are interested in hosting parties such as these please join our awesome community at Crowdtap by signing up here. You will be glad you did :)

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